Your Lovely Hosts
We started this blog because the best part about dabbling in veganism is talking about veganism. It is, ironically, a meaty topic, concerning health, ethics, ecology, economy, and in our particular case, a lot of cupcakes. The V Word will give us a space to hash it all out so we can stop spamming each others Facebook pages with links to deals on nutritional yeast.
I'm a recent university graduate (read: horribly poor individual) currently residing in Montreal, QC, where it is surprising difficult to find vegetarian options in restaurants and grocery stores, let alone vegan ones. I've fallen in love with one wonderful vegan restaurant here called Aux Vivres, and am slowly seeking out any other vegan options in this fair city, as well as food stores that carry more than just one packet of Yves Veggie Dogs. I was a vegetarian for four years in high school, but relented my dietary restrictions when I went traveling after graduation. I've been meat-free again since January of 2011.
I'm a freelance writer and career receptionist living in near Vancouver. Over the past decade, I've gone from flexitarian to vegetarian to . . . whatever the right word would be for "vegan 90% of the time" (veg-ish?) because factory farming is gross and cruel, and amazing advances have been made in fake cheese technology over the years. I miss turkey sandwiches sometimes, but otherwise, my meat-free existence has been pretty successful.
Blog / Twitter
I've wanted to be a vegetarian since I was 7 and first figured out that it was an actual thing. While I stopped eating meat for a whole week then, eventually my lack of love for vegetables won out and I gave up. I'm pretty sure I ate pasta for that whole week. I tried again when I was 15 though. Vegetables and I had bonded, and I never went back. Ten years later I started listening to Colleen Patrick Goudreau's 'Vegetarian Food for Thought' thinking it was about vegetarians, who are awesome, not vegans, who are weird and crazy. I quickly realised it wasn't as crazy as I'd always thought, so I went out and bought my first ever cookbook, Veganomicon, to see if I could make it happen. Instead of limiting my food options, I found out it really expanded them. Now I'm crazy about food and cooking like I never was before and I hope to share some awesome recipes, restaurants, stores and fun on this blog for some of you who might be considering a vegan lifestyle in Vancouver or who just like to read blogs about food or where to buy some awesome shoes!
will tell you more about herself later!